You can apply for free 195
Directory Enquiries if you're unable to read or hold the printed directory. The 195 team is dedicated to supporting those with accessibility requirements get through to who they need to. You can also ask to be connected to your required number.
Contact the Directory Enquiries registration team on 0800 587 0195 (09:00 - 16:00 Monday to Friday) to request an application form. Once you receive the form, you'll need to get it countersigned by a
medical professional (i.e. by a doctor, nurse or other medical practitioners). Once registered, you'll be given a PIN number, and can start using the service by dialling 195 from your landline.
Violation of an individual's human or civil
rights by any other person or persons. Any
or all types of
abuse may be perpetrated as
the result of deliberate intent, negligence or
ignorance. Different types of abuse include:
physical; neglect/acts of omission; financial/
material; psychological; sexual; institutional;
discriminatory; self harm/abuse; racial; or any
combination of these or other factors. Abuse
also has a number of specific legal definitions
contained in various acts of
A service providing concessions such as the
Disabled Persons Railcard, or other forms of access improvements.
Access to Work grant is money for practical support to help you do your job. It's for people with a
disability, health or
mental health condition. The money you get can
pay for things like specialist equipment;
travel when you can't use public transport; a communicator at a job interview. How much you get depends on your circumstances. Any money you get doesn't have to be paid back and won't affect your other benefits.
An agency offering books, magazines and other literature in accessible formats.
Tasks that people carry out to look after their
home, themselves, and their participation in
work, social and leisure activities.
Association of Directors of Social Services Cymru is a constituted group of statutory directors and senior social services managers who work in local government in Wales and who have come together to promote the social wellbeing of the vulnerable citizens in Wales irrespective of their circumstances.
An agency (such as an
ECLO) providing
advice on appropriate and helpful courses of action.
Some people are able to
self-advocate and
speak up for themselves without assistance to
insure that their needs and wishes are clearly
expressed and acted upon. Others need
assistance. Advocates and
advocacy services
exist to give independent help to enable
people to take control of their lives, explore
and express their own needs and access the
services and support they need to meet their
Albinism is a comparatively rare genetically inherited group of conditions which results in a reduction or complete lack of pigment (colour) in the skin, hair and eyes of people with the condition. This can result in pale skin which burns easily in the sun, virtually white hair, very severe short-sight and photophobia (a severe sensitivity to light).
These are the
child protection procedures that are used in all of the Local
Safeguarding Children Boards in Wales
Alstrom Syndrome is an ultra rare recessively inherited genetic disorder, which means that both parents will carry the gene although probably be unaffected themselves. ASUK know of around 80 families in the UK who are affected, this figure could be higher due to delayed diagnosis and the rarity of the condition, many may still be undiagnosed. The condition is characterised by retinal degeration, hearing loss, obesity & insulin resistance.
Android is an operating system for certain
smart phones and tablets (these terms are all explained in the glossary).
Aniridia is a rare congenital eye condition causing incomplete formation of the iris. This can cause loss of vision, usually affecting both eyes.
Anophthalmia is a
medical term that is used to describe the absence of the globe and ocular (eye) tissue from the orbit.
App is short for 'application' and is very often used to describe a small program that it installed onto a mobile phone or tablet device. It could be anything from a word processor to a colour detector or train times finder.
The person that has made an appeal to the
SEN Tribunal.
Articles for the Blind scheme is a free, 1st Class or International Standard service designed to support blind and
visually impaired people as well as the charities that work hard to improve their lives. It works by waiving postage (first class only) for sending books, printed materials, letters, relief maps; audio and electronic media; equipment such as magnifiers and mobility aids.
The needs of an individual that have been
identified as a result of an
social care teminology, the process whereby the needs of an
individual are identified alongside their
impact on independence, daily functioning
and quality of life so that appropriate care,
health or other services can be planned. It
aims to identify and explore the many issues
connected with a person's needs and should
include all relevant viewpoints. It should be
self-contained and time-limited, culminating
in the clear identification of needs and the
objectives for how these needs will be met.
Assistive or access
technology is any additional software or hardware that is required by someone, because of a
disability, to enable them to use a computer. The two most common types of assistive technology for people with sight loss are
screen magnification and screen reading software. It is also known as access or adaptive technology.
Attendance Allowance is a weekly payment to help with personal care because you're physically or mentally
disabled and you're aged 65 or over.
It's paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability. The other benefits you get can increase if you get Attendance Allowance.
BBS is a multi-system disorder that has a significant impact on the quality of life and may be life-limiting. Features include rod-cone dystrophy, a progressive eye disorder that leads to blindness, characterised by tunnel vision and night blindness; obesity; renal abnormalities; developmental
delay; speech and language difficulties; extra fingers and/or toes and learning difficulties.
A scheme whereby an individual is given support in the form of friendship, sometimes helping with shopping or simply being someone to talk to and to ensure the individual is happy and safe.
A chronic condition caused by disturbances in the body's immune system and around 70% of patients will experience inflamation of the eye.
Best disease is a genetic condition you are born with, although it does not usually start to affect your vision until later in life.
A form of
uveitis where oval spots can be seen on the retina.
An inflamation of the eyelids which can make the eyes feel irritated or itchy, but rarely causes serious eye damage.
If you're registered blind with the local council you can claim Blind Person's Allowance, which means you can get an extra amount of income tax-free each year. For the tax year 2012 to 2013, the allowance is £2,100. You can transfer your Blind Person's Allowance to your spouse or civil partner if you don't
pay tax or use all of the allowance.
Blue Badge (
Disabled Parking) Scheme operates throughout the UK. It is designed to help blind or disabled people to
travel independently as either a driver or a passenger to allow them to park close to where they need to go.
Boccia is a precision ball sport, similar to bocce, and related to bowls and petanque. The name 'boccia' is derived from the Latin word for 'boss' - bottia. The sport is contested at local, national and international levels, by athletes with severe physical
braille display is
a line of cells, each with six or eight pins that move up and down to represent dots of a braille cell. The display is used to represent a line of text on the computer screen. It is also called an electronic, soft or refreshable
braille display.
Braille embossers/printers produce braille output from a computer by punching dots onto paper. They connect to the computer in the same way as text printers but need special
braille translation software, and can also be connected to
notetakers and other devices.
BT Basic is a simple, low-cost telephone service that's easy to understand and helps you keep in touch, even if money is a bit tight. If you're on a low income, BT Basic lets you make and receive calls - and helps you manage how much you spend. You can usually get BT Basic if you're claiming one of these benefits: Income Support; Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance; Employment Support Allowance (Income related) or Pensions Credit (Guaranteed Credit). Note that there are restrictions on the calls you can make using this service.
Individual Budget is money given to people for them to buy in the services or equipment they need to meet their assessed care needs. Individual budgets differ fromp ersonal budgets in that they pool funding resources from a variety of places, making the system easier to navigate. An Individual Budget can include a
Personal Budget from a local authority as well as money from other
sources, such as the Independent Living Fund (ILF) or Supporting People funding.
When a local authority looks after a person's
Personal Budget, it is called a
Managed Budget. The person still knows how much it amounts to and what it is being spent on, but they don't receive any actual monies.
Personal Budget is money which is allocated to someone by a local authority to
pay for their assessed support or care needs. Personal Budgets are similar to
Individual Budgets, but they are made up solely of local authority
social care funding. Personal Budgets do not draw in any payments from other organisations outside of the local authority, so people would have to contact
these organisations separately to receive
additional support (for example, personal budgets do not include Supporting People Funding, which would need to be applied for separately). People can take their Personal Budget as a direct payment (choosing themselves how their care needs are met
and by whom), leave councils with the responsibility to commission the services, or
elect to have some combination of the two.
transport via scheduled services on the road.
social work service which is part of
Welsh Government and independent of local authorities, it helps parties to negotiate settlements about
child arrangements in private law and provides
advice to the family courts in the form of welfare reports. In most public law cases, the court appoints a children’s guardian from
Cafcass to represent the child’s best interests to the court.
Child and Adolescent
Mental Health Services, which are run by the NHS. They are specialist services for support and treatment for
young people who have emotional or mental health problems.
CIW registers, inspects and takes action to improve the quality and safety of services for the well-being of the people of Wales. They carry out functions on behalf of Welsh Ministers; decide who can provide services; inspect and drive improvement of regulated services and local authority social services; undertake thematic
reviews of
social care services; take action to ensure services meet legislative and regulatory requirements; and investigate concerns raised about regulated services.
An order is made by the court under section 31
Children Act 1989 which places a child in the care of the local authority, with parental responsibility being shared between the parents and the local authority. A
care order lasts until a child turns 18, unless someone applies for it to end earlier under section 39 – discharge of a care order.
Someone, usually unpaid, and often a friend or family member who supports a person with
social care needs either full time or part time.
Carer's Allowance is a weekly payment to help you look after someone with substantial caring needs.
You don't have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for. You need to be aged 16 or over and spend at least 35 hours a week caring for them.
Carer's Allowance can affect your other benefits.
A person who is suitable to exercise the
child’s rights to make an appeal or claim (
SEN Tribunal)
The statement of a party’s case submitted in respect of an appeal or claim (
SEN Tribunal)
The time period during which the parties must submit their
case statement (
SEN tribunal).
cataract is a clouding of the lens inside your eye which causes your sight to become cloudy and misty. Cataracts are treated by surgery, during which the cloudy lens is removed and replaced by an artificial lens.
CEA Card allows a Cardholder to be accompanied by someone, free of
charge, when they purchase a ticket to visit a participating cinema with that person. Some
disabled people need to be accompanied by someone else to enjoy the cinema experience. To make being accompanied as easy as possible the UKCA operates the CEA Card scheme.
Central retinal vein
occlusion (CRVO) is an eye condition that affects the retina — the light-sensitive layer of tissue in the back of your eye. It happens when a blood clot blocks the main vein where blood flows out of the retina. It usually only affects 1 eye.
Cerebrovascular diseases are conditions caused by problems that affect the blood supply to the brain. One of the most common types is stroke, which can cause loss of vision in one eye or on one side of the field of vision
An acronym for the set of unusual congenital features seen in a number of newborn
children. The letters stand for:
coloboma of the eye, heart defects, atresia of the nasal choanae, retardation of growth and/or development, genital and/or urinary abnormalities, and ear abnormalities and
deafness. These features are no longer used in making a diagnosis of
CHARGE syndrome, but the name remains. CHARGE syndrome is the leading cause of congenital
A condition where people who have lost their sight experience hallucinations.
child or
young person aged under 18. There are some differences in the law between young children and 16 and 17 year old, for example if they are looked after, and relating to capacity to make decisions.
A person in whose favour a
child arrangements order for residence has been made may apply to the local authority for a financial allowance if the order is needed to prevent the child going into care. Every local authority should have a policy on awarding this type of allowance, which is discretionary.
Children in need’ is the term used in the Children Act 1989 to describe children who need services that will allow them to be brought up within their families, and that local authorities have powers and duties to provide. Section 17 Children Act 1989 states that a
child in need is a child who is unlikely to achieve or maintain a reasonable level of health or development, or their health and development is likely to be significantly impaired or further impaired, without the provision of services. This definition does not apply in Wales after April 2016 when the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 comes into effect.
A meeting with representation from a range of agencies, chaired by the
Child Protection Co-ordinator or an independent chair appointed by the local authority, which makes recommendations to the local authority and/or other agencies.
This is a Social Services member of staff who is responsible for the Register, chairing Conferences and the practice of
child protection across and between all agencies.
Core Group will meet frequently to facilitate working together on the
Plan, monitor actions and
outcomes, timetable and prepare the report to the
Review Conference. The
Key Worker is responsible for calling the Core Group meetings and providing minutes.
A local authority has a duty, under section 47
Children Act 1989, to investigate if it appears that a child in their area is suffering significant harm.
Key Worker is responsible for: making sure that the outline
Plan is developed and agreed by the
Core Group into a more detailed inter-agency Plan; acting as lead worker for the inter-agency work with the
young person or their and
child(ren) and family; ensuring communication and co-ordination between members and arranging Core Group meetings and minutes; completing the Core
Assessment within the maximum 35 working days.
If the Initial Conference agrees to registration on the CPR, the Conference must also confirm an outline
Plan for the
Core Group which will then develop and agree a full Plan in the first meeting.
On behalf of the Local
Safeguarding Children’ Board, the Social Services Department maintains the CPR which lists all the children and
young people in the county who are assessed by a Conference to be suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm and for whom there is a
plan">Child Protection Plan, a
key worker and
Core Group. The name of the child or young person can only be placed on the
CPR by a decision of an Initial Conference that the criteria for registration have been met. A child’s name can only be removed by a decision of a
Review Conference. When a child is on the Register in one county of the UK and moves to another county, they are automatically placed on the Register of the ‘receiving’ county. An Initial Conference will be held to ‘transfer-in’ the child and decide if the grounds for registration justify remaining on the Register.
Welsh Government guidance on planning services for
children and
young people, setting out expectations of statutory
service providers and their partners. The local Partnership will produce a strategic statement of how the well being of children and young people will be improved across all areas of their lives, setting the agreed headline aims and objectives.
A form of
uveitis where the inflamation affects the back of the eye.
Mentioned on CVI, but no reliable definition found.
This is a national card that can be used to verify that the holder is entitled to one free ticket for a person accompanying them to the cinema. To apply for the card you will need submit proof to show that you are in receipt of
Disability Living Allowance or
Attendance Allowance and/or are a registered blind person. There is an annual
charge for the card.
The person that deals with the administrative aspects of a tribunal hearing.
designated person responsible for the development of a clinical service, ensuring the quality of care is good and best practice is maintained and upheld.
Clinical audit involves improving the quality of patient care by looking at current practice and modifying it where necessary.
CCTV (also known as a video magnifier) is a magnifying aid for people with some useful vision. Printed material and objects can be placed under a camera and the magnified image is displayed on a television screen or computer monitor. They are mostly used for reading, but can also be used for writing and other activities such as sewing.
Formal or informal group of individuals, often with shared experiences or seeking a similar aim.
Coats disease, also known as exudative retinitis, is a very rare eye condition that affects the smaller blood vessels (capillaries) found in the retina.
The guidance issued with the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 is a mix of statutory and non-statatory guidance known as Codes.
Coloboma means that part of one or more structures inside an unborn baby’s eye does not fully develop during pregnancy.
Effects can vary: there are extremely rare cases where people are unable to see any colour at all, but most can see as clearly as other people but are unable to fully see red, green or blue.
A general term to cover a range of services enabling people who are unable to use public
transport to make journeys. Includes dial a ride and demand responsive local buses. Services are usually based locally and arrangements for using the service (and
charges) vary according to the provider in your area.
Services helping people live full and independent lives. They are intended to help people overcome particular difficulties, and to assist people to live in their own home/local area, for as long as possible.
Services such as district nursing, which are provided by NHS staff working in the community.
Community nurses are registered nurses who work in the community: in people's homes, in schools and in local surgeries and health centres. The people they work with may be ill or
disabled. Community nurses also look after people whose health may be particularly vulnerable, such as
older people,
children, people with mental ill-health or people with learning disabilities. They visit people at
home to provide health care - for example,
changing dressings or giving injections - and
help people get any home nursing aids and
equipment they need. Community nurses can provide help and
advice on a wide range of health issues. The term includes practice nurses,
district nurses, community
mental health nurses, health
visitors and school nurses.
Welsh Government provides financial support to enable local authorities in Wales to provide free
travel on registered local
bus services for residents of Wales aged over 60 years and
disabled of any age. The support also provides free travel on local buses by companions to disabled persons.
Provision also exists to allow those persons eligible for a bus
pass but unable to use a bus because of a disability, to be able to receive passes for other more accessible forms of transport. Local Authorities have discretion to issue travel tokens to enable disabled
concessionary bus pass holders to use other forms of transport.
Cataracts which are present at birth (rather than as part of the ageing process).
the term used for ongoing access and contact between a
child and a parent (or wider family) who have been separated. There are different legal provisions regarding contact, depending on whether the child is subject to a dispute between separated parents (private law) or whether a child is looked after (public law). Contact in private law comes under section 8 Children Act 1989. Contact in public law comes under s 34 Children Act 1989 and s 96 Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
Under section 8
Children Act 1989 a non-resident parent or other person may have a court order about the contact they may have with the child. Since April 2014 these orders are called
Child Arrangements Orders.
Corneal dystrophies are a rare group of genetic conditions which cause changes to the cornea without any inflammation, infection, or other eye disease.
A treatment rather than condition??
You could be eligible if you’re on a low income or claim benefits. Your bill could be reduced by up to 100%. You can apply if you own your home, rent, are unemployed or working.
Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) is an executive agency of the Home Office, which provides wider access to criminal record information. This service enables organisations in the public, private and
voluntary sectors to make safer recruitment decisions by identifying candidates who may be unsuitable for certain jobs, especially
where that job involves contact with
children or
vulnerable adults. The CRB was established under Part V of the Police Act 1997 and was launched in March 2002.
Daily Living Skills are needed to perform
activities of daily living. Activities of Daily Living is a term used in healthcare to refer to people's daily self-care activities. Health professionals often use a person's ability or inability to perform ADLs as a measurement of their functional status.
Rehabilitation Officers restore a blind or partially sighted person's Daily Living Skills.
DAISY stands for Digital Accessible Information System is a standard for digital talking books.
DAISY books are typically used by people have 'print
disabilities', including blindness, impaired vision and dyslexia. The DAISY format allows users to hear and navigate written material presented in an audible format. A 'DAISY player' is a device that will
play a DAISY book.
A format of digital talking books, with
technology allowing the listener to access the book in a very flexible way.
DAISY stands for Digital Accessible Information SYstem.
Provided within centres to which
service users
travel or are transported.
Service providers vary from
statutory agencies such as health or social services to the independent and
voluntary sector.
Day care may cater for users with high dependency needs in conjunction with home care and residential provision, and be integral to an intermediate care programme. Alternatively, day care, particularly within the voluntary sector, may offer social stimulation and be part of a
preventative programme aimed at combating a move towards functional dependence and offering
carer relief on a structured basis.
Used to describe people with hearing loss, especially when it is severe or profound (unable to hear anything below 70Db).
A person is
deafblind if they have a combined sight and hearing impairment that causes difficulties with communication, access to information and mobility.
The spontaneous occurrence in the ageing vitreous of opacities (
floaters) that substantially interfere with
activities of daily living. See source for more information on the vitreous and floaters.
Depression is a low mood that lasts for
a long time, and affects your everyday life.
In its mildest form, depression can mean just being in low spirits. It doesn't stop you leading your normal life but makes everything harder to do and seem less worthwhile. At its most severe, depression can be life-threatening because it can make you feel suicidal.
The person within an organisation who has lead responsibility for
child protection.
Diabetes can affect the eye in several ways, the most common being problems with blood vessels in the eye.
Diabetic Eye Screening Wales service checks for eye problems caused by having
diabetes. Eye screening looks for damage to the back of the eye (diabetic retinopathy) which can lead to permanent sight loss. Making changes to your diabetes management, or having specialist treatment can slow or reverse changes caused by diabetic retinopathy. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, and are aged 12 or over, you will be invited to attend a screening appointment.
Vision loss occurs when the fluid reaches the macula (the centre of the retina that provides sharp vision) and builds up, causing swelling. At first, you may not notice changes to your vision. Over time,
macular-oedema">diabetic macular oedema can cause your central vision to become blurred. A healthy macula is essential for good vision.
Direct Payments are means-tested payments made to
service users in lieu of
community care services they have been assessed as needing, and are intended to give users greater choice in their care. The money received should be enough to meet a person's assessed care needs. Direct Payments have been available since 1997 and are made to a wide variety of people, including
carers, adult service users and people with short-term needs. Direct Payments are not the only way a person can
have control over their care service funding.
Someone else can hold the money for them
- a family member or other representative, a
trust, an organisation, or a Care Manager. See also
Budgets - Personal,
Budget - Managed,
Budget - Individual and
Indirect Payments.
Disability Discrimination Acts (1995 and
2005) define a disabled person as 'someone who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities'. Groups of people with disabilities include people with
mental health issues, physical limitations and those with learning disabilities. The
social model of disability starts from a different perspective. It is not concerned with how 'bad' a person's impairment is. Instead
it establishes that everyone is equal and
demonstrates that it is society which restricts
their opportunities and erects barriers that
prevent disabled people from participating
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (c 50) (informally, and hereafter, the
DDA) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which has now been repealed and replaced by the
Equality Act 2010, except in Northern Ireland where the Act still applies. Formerly, it made it unlawful to discriminate against people in respect of their disabilities in relation to employment, the provision of goods and services, education and
DLA is a weekly payment to help with the extra costs caused by a
disability. It is paid at different rates depending on how much help you need because of your disability or terminal illness. You may need a
medical assessment to work out what you need. You can apply for DLA whether or not you work and it's for
children or adults.
You may be eligible for the
Disabled Band Reduction Scheme if you live in a larger property than you would need if you or another occupant were not disabled. If you qualify, your bill will be reduced to the next lowest Council Tax band. For example, if your property is in Band D, you’ll
pay the Band C rate. If your home is already in the lowest band (Band A), you’ll get a 17% discount on your Council Tax bill instead.
f you have a
disability that makes travelling by train difficult you might qualify for the
Disabled Persons Railcard. It allows you to get 1/3 off most rail fares throughout Great Britain, and if you're travelling with an adult companion they also can get 1/3 off their rail fare.
If you have a
disability you might need additional equipment or support to help you access your course. The
Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) will help you to cover these additional costs.
Depending on your needs, extra support could include specialist equipment, a non-
medical helper's allowance or help towards your additional
travel costs. These allowances are available if you're studying full-time or part-time in higher education. If you're studying part-time, you must be doing at least the equivalent of half a full-time course. This allowance doesn't depend on your income and you don't have to
pay it back.
"The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex." This includes on the grounds of
disability (see
discrimination-act-dda">Disability Discrimination Act - DDA).
The core role of a
optician">dispensing optician is to advise on, fit and supply the spectacle frames and lenses most appropriate for each patient's visual, lifestyle and vocational needs. This includes advising on and dispensing: frames and lenses for driving, occupational use, hobbies, and activities.
District Nurses are senior nurses who manage
care within the community, leading teams
community nurses and support workers.
Typically much of their work involves visiting 'house-bound' patients to provide
advice and care, for example, palliative care, wound management, catheter and continence care, medication support. They may be trained to assess patient's needs for
equipment provision such as mobility and independent living aids,
medical equipment
such as specialist beds and mattresses, as well as guidance in applying for
grants and welfare benefits. Their work involves both follow-up care for recently discharged hospital inpatients and longer term care for
chronically ill patients who may be referred
by many other services, as well as working
collaboratively with general practitioners in
preventing unnecessary or avoidable hospital
Service/Services provided for people in their own homes. They include home care and the services of health workers (e.g. physiotherapists who treat people in their own home).
Caused by a problem with the tears which leaves eyes feeling dry, scratchy and uncomfortable.
It presents with uncontrollable muscle spasms triggered by incorrect signals from the brain, which can, for some, be painful. It is the 3rd most common movement disorder.
Dystonia can affect any region of the body including the eyelids, face, jaw, vocal cords, torso, limbs, hands, and feet. It presents differently depending on the region of the body affected and each type has its own clinical name.
eBook stands for 'electronic book' (also known as a digital book). This is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and produced on, published through, and readable on computers or other electronic devices.
child of compulsory school age can, under section 36 Children Act 1989, be placed under the supervision of the
Local Education Authority where they are ‘not being properly educated’ because of the poor school attendance. The aim of the Order is to strengthen and encourage parents in exercising their responsibility to a child.
Services that aid a
disabled person in accessing educational facilities, materials and processes.
In situations of crisis where a
child needs immediate protection, under section 44 of the Children Act 1989, the local authority can acquire parental responsibility for the duration of the Order, which is up to 8 days (and may be extended to a maximum of 15 days).
If you're ill or
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) offers you financial support if you're unable to work, or
personalised help so that you can work if you are able to. You can apply for ESA if you're employed, self-employed or unemployed. You might be transferred to ESA if you've been claiming other benefits like Income Support or Incapacity Benefit.
The primary purpose of the Act is to codify the complicated and numerous array of Acts and Regulations, which formed the basis of anti-
discrimination law in Great Britain. (See Discrimination,
Disability Discrimination Act)
A specialist equiped to assess or advise a
disabled person for the best aids and equipment for
daily living, education and employment.
Agency or company supplying aids and equipment to aid
daily living.
ECLOs work closely with
medical and nursing staff in the eye clinic, as well as the sensory team in social services, to connect you with the practical and emotional support you need to understand your diagnosis, deal with your sight loss and maintain your independence.
EHEW is one of the Wales Eye Care Services. It enable patients with sudden onset eye problems and those in at-risk categories for developing eye disease or those who would find losing their sight particularly difficult, to obtain a free eye examination from an accredited
optometrist in the community.
If you're not able to read or hold a telephone directory due to illness or
disability, you can apply for free 195
Directory Enquiries from BT.
Call 0800 587 0195 to request an application form. Your form will need to be countersigned by a professional who knows you i.e. your doctor, nurse or other
medical practitioner.
The British Wireless for the Blind Fund provides high quality, easy to use audio equipment which has been specially designed and adapted for listeners living with sight loss. All of the radios are made available on Free Loan to blind and partially sighted people who meet their criteria.
If you are registered blind or partially sighted, diagnosed with
glaucoma or
diabetes, under 16/over 60 or meet certain other criteria you are entitled to a free eye test. (For a full list see the NHS Direct website).
The Royal Mail
Articles for the Blind scheme is a free, first class or Airmail service for people sending items specifically designed for blind and
visually impaired people. This enables them to send certain items within the UK and overseas free of
Fuchs’ endothelial
corneal dystrophy (FECD) is an eye condition that affects your cornea, the clear front "window" of your eye.
The Education Act 1993 provides for the establishment of two
funding authorities: in England, the Funding Agency for Schools (FAS), which was established on 1 April 1994; and in Wales, the Schools Funding Council for Wales (SFCW), which the Act empowers the Secretary of State for Wales to set up by Order. No Order has yet been made.
The FAS is responsible for calculating and paying
grants to grant-maintained and grant-maintained special schools and has responsibilities for the provision of school places in areas where there are significant numbers of grant-maintained schools. The SFCW has similar responsibilities.
A condition affecting the arteries which can cause serious sight loss if untreated.
Describes a
child aged under 16 who is judged to have sufficient maturity and understanding to make a particular decision e.g to consent to
medical treatment or to instruct their own solicitor.
Glaucoma is the name of a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve. The optic nerve transfers visual information from the eye to the brain and if it’s damaged, it can result in sight loss and even blindness. There are three main types of glaucoma: primary, secondary, and developmental (glaucoma in babies and
Financial assistance, often specifically directed towards, and restricted to, the purpose for which the
grant was established.
Description of the actions taken by an individual, deliberately selecting and establishing a relationship of trust which they then manipulate to exercise power over the victim (and their family).
Guide dogs are assistance dogs trained to lead blind or
visually impaired people around obstacles. Although dogs can be trained to navigate various obstacles, they are red–green
colour blind and incapable of interpreting street signs. The human does the directing, based on skills acquired through previous mobility
Habilitation involves one-to-one
training for
children and
young people with a
vision impairment. Starting from their existing skills, it aims to develop their personal mobility, navigation and independent living skills. At whatever age the training is started, the overriding goal is to maximise the child or young person’s independence, opening the way in the future, to further study, employment and an independent life.
We use this term to describe people with mild to moderate hearing loss (unable to hear sounds between 25dB and 69Db). We quite often apply this term to people who are losing their hearing gradually due to age.
A telephone service offering
advice relating to a specific area of interest or service, such as information on smoking cessation or benefits advice.
Hemianopsia, or
hemianopia, is a loss of vision or blindness (anopsia) in half the visual field, usually on one side of the vertical midline. The most common causes of this damage are stroke, brain tumour, and trauma.
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B27 is implicated in certain eye disorders such as acute anterior
uveitis and iritis, psoriatic arthritis and ulcerative colitis associated spondyloarthritis.
A vacation or
holiday is a specific trip or journey, usually for the purpose of recreation or tourism. People often take a vacation during specific holiday observances, or for specific festivals or celebrations. Vacations are often spent with friends or family.
This means taking all the elements of a person's life into account - including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements.
Hynt is a national access scheme that works with theatres and arts centres in Wales to make sure there is a consistent offer available for visitors with an impairment or specific access requirement, and their
Carers or
Personal Assistants.
Includes both private and voluntary social
care providers, who may be contracted to provide services on behalf of
statutory agencies.
Indirect Payments are similar to
Direct Payments, but instead of being paid to the individual who needs the service, payments are made to a nominated individual or into a trust. The trustees or nominated people then
pay for services on the individual's behalf.
Individual Service Fund is an individual
budget that a
service provider manages on
behalf of a
service user. Payments are made
with the understanding that the service
provider can deliver what is needed and it
meets the criteria set out in the service user's
This is consent to treatment or care where a person has been given enough objective, evidence-based information to be able to make their own decision, and the person has the mental capacity to make that decision.
Organisations within or across sectors (e.g.
health and
social care) agree objectives and meeting regularly to develop and implement them.
Keratitis is a condition in which the eye's cornea, the clear dome on the front surface of the eye, becomes inflamed.
Keratoconus (KC) is a disorder of the eye that results in progressive thinning of the cornea. This may result in blurry vision, double vision, nearsightedness, irregular astigmatism, and
light sensitivity leading to poor quality-of-life.
A person responsible for working closely with
people who use services to ensure the coordination
of their
plan">care plan and act as the main contact for everyone involved.
Light sensitivity also known as photophobia, often affects people who have an underlying eye condition.
local education authority (LEA) is a local authority in England and Wales that has responsibility for education within its jurisdiction. Since the
Children Act 2004 each local education authority is also a children's services authority and responsibility for both functions is held by the director of children's services.
The overall function of a Welsh
Local Health Board is to improve the health of the responsible population, develop primary health services, and commission community and secondary care services. A Welsh Local Health Board will, if it so wishes and is capable of doing so, be able to provide directly a range of
community health services, creating new opportunities to integrate primary and community health services as well as health and
social care provision.
If you already have a
vision impairment or low vision, an
optometrist can help you make the best use of the sight you have. They start by carrying out a low vision
assessment. This assessment could, for instance, show that magnifiers or better lighting at home would help you. They can also advise you about other people and organisations who may be able to help you with
transport, benefits or simple things to make life easier around the house.
Certain magnifiers and low vision aids (LVAs) are provided by the Wales General Opthalmic Service for Low Vision and paid for by the
Welsh Government. So they won’t cost you a penny.
Loss of central vision due to damage to the
macular. Most common in
older people (AMD) but can occur in younger people.
macular hole is a small defect in the retinal layer that develops at the centre of the macula. If the macula is damaged it is difficult to drive, watch TV, read or recognise faces.
Marfan syndrome is an inherited disorder of the body’s connective tissue that leads to
medical problems affecting the heart, eyes and skeleton, requiring treatment to prevent life-threatening complications.
Of or pertaining to the practice of medicine. The
medical model of
Disability focuses on impairments rather than social and attitudinal barriers cf.
Social Model of Disability.
mental illness includes diagnoses which typically involve psychosis (losing touch with reality or experiencing delusions) or high levels of care, and which may require hospital treatment. Two of the most common severe mental illnesses are schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (or manic
Microphthalmia literally means small eye.
Children may be born with one or both eyes, small and underdeveloped. Some children may be blind, but others may have some residual sight or light perception.
modifier is a key that can be used in conjunction with a second key and modifies its behaviour. Assistive
technology may have its own modifier key so that its keystrokes do not conflict with the keystrokes used by the operating system (e.g. Windows) or other programs.
Blinding or removal of one eye due to accident, injury or disease.
MP3 is a common
music file format. It stands for for "Moving Picture Experts Group Phase 1, Audio Layer 3".
Pupils with
MSI have a combination of visual and hearing difficulties. They are sometimes referred to as
deafblind but may have some residual sight and/or hearing. Many also have additional
disabilities but their complex needs mean it may be difficult to ascertain their intellectual abilities. Pupils with MSI have much greater difficulty accessing the curriculum and the environment than those with a single sensory impairment. They have difficulties in perception, communication and in the acquisition of information. Incidental learning is limited. The combination can result in high anxiety and multi-sensory deprivation. Pupils need teaching approaches that make good use of their residual hearing and vision, together with their other senses. They may need alternative means of communication.
Myopia, also known as “being short sighted”, causes your vision to be blurry in the distance but clearer when looking at things up close.
This is the person from the Local Authority who liaises with parents over all the arrangements relating to statutory
assessment and the making of a statement. LAs will inform parents of the identity of the officer when they issue a notice of a proposal to make a statutory assessment of a
This is the person whom the Local Authority must identify when sending parents a final version of a statement. The
named person, who should usually be identified in cooperation with the parents, must be someone who can give parents information and
advice about their
SENs. He or she may be appointed at the start of the
assessment process and can then attend meetings with parents and encourage parental participation throughout that process. The named person should normally be independent of the LA and may be someone from a
voluntary organisation or parent partnership scheme.
A neoplasm is a type of abnormal and excessive growth of tissue. The process that occurs to form or produce a neoplasm is called
Neurofibromatosis (NF) refers to a group of three distinct genetic conditions in which tumors grow in the nervous system. The tumors are non-cancerous (benign) and often involve the skin or surrounding bone. Although symptoms are often mild, each condition presents differently. Symptom' include at least two growths on the eye's iris.
NHS Wales:Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol Cymru is the publicly funded healthcare system of Wales and is the responsibility of the
Welsh Government. It provides emergency services and a range of
primary care, secondary care and specialist tertiary care services
NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership is a dedicated Shared Services organisation which shares common operating standards in line with best practice, has sufficient scale to optimise economies of scale and purchasing power and has an excellent customer care ethos and focus on service quality. They support the statutory
Health Boards and NHS Trusts in Wales and provide professional
advice and support to
Welsh Government.
Norrie disease is a rare X-linked genetic condition which causes boys to be born blind or with severe
sight impairment. Secondary symptoms can include progressive hearing loss, cognitive impairment, autism and delayed development.
This is a note issued to the
child's parents and school when, following a statutory
assessment, the LA decides not to make a statement. The note should describe the child's
SENs, explain why the LA will not make a statement and make recommendations about appropriate provision for the child. All the
advice received during the assessment should be attached to the note sent to the parents and, with their consent, also be sent to the child's school.
notetaker is a specialist portable device that enables someone with a sight problem to take notes and retrieve them later in an accessible form. Electronic notetakers usually contain a diary and other applications and some have a keyboard for
braille instead of QWERTY keyboard input. They do not generally incorporate a screen display.
Nystagmus is a complex eye condition, characterised by involuntary eye movements, from side to side, up and down or round and round. This affects the ability to focus, see the world in three dimensions and recognise faces. There are two main types of nystagmus, one which appears in the first weeks or months of life and is called Congenital or Infantile Nystagmus and another which develops later in life which is called Acquired Nystagmus. There are many possible causes of both kinds of nystagmus.
Professionals whose specialist
training equips
them to work with people with a physical
disability, learning disability/difficulty or
mental health needs. They help people learn
new skills or recover lost skills, and may
arrange for special equipment or adaptations
to accommodation.
Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid (MMP) is a rare autoimmune disease (a group of diseases caused by the reaction of the person’s immune system producing antibodies - known as autoantibodies - which damage normally healthy body substances). When the eyes are affected it is called Ocular MMP (OMMP).
A non-ministerial government department established under the Education (Schools) Act 1992 to take responsibility for the inspection of all schools in Wales. (The English equivalent is Ofsted). Their professional arm is formed by Her Majesty's Inspectors (HMI).
Usually defined as people aged 65 and over (although definitions vary)
A nurse who has the education and expertise to provide
holistic nursing care for people with a
visual impairment or related conditions, temporary or permanent, wherever they may be.
Ophthalmologists are doctors who care for patients with eye conditions. They diagnose, treat and prevent disorders of the eyes and visual system, using
medical and surgical skills.
A clinic where treatments and surgery are carried out by trained
ophthalmologists. They are often located in large hospitals but there are also smaller clinics in the community. They can be NHS-funded or private clinics.
Optic neuropathy is damage to the optic nerve from any cause. The optic nerve is a bundle of millions of fibers in the retina that sends visual signals to the brain.
OCR software is used in conjunction with a PC and camera or
scanner to copy printed text to the computer and hold it electronically so it can be read by a
screen reader or magnified with software.
Opticians or
Dispensing Opticians are regulated by the General Optical Council (GOC). A dispensing optician advises on, fits and supplies the most appropriate spectacles after taking account of each patient's visual, lifestyle and vocational needs. Dispensing opticians also
play an important role in fitting contact lenses and advising and dispensing low vision aids to those who are partially sighted and in advising on and dispensing to
children where appropriate.
Optometry is a specialized health care profession that involves examining the eyes and related structures for defects or abnormalities. Optometrists are health care professionals who typically provide comprehensive primary eye care. Since 2009, optometrists in the UK have been able to undertake additional postgraduate
training and qualifications that allow them to prescribe medications to treat and manage eye conditions.
Optometry Wales is the professional umbrella organisation for all community optometrists,
opticians and
dispensing opticians in Wales. It represents the profession in lobbying and negotiation with
Welsh Government, responding to consultations and ensuring the profession is represented at all levels in Wales
orthoptist diagnoses and treats eye movement disorders, as well as
visual impairments related to the way the eyes interact with the brain. They’ll also spot serious neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.
A specific service to operate outside regular office hours to provide either a direct service where necessary, or offer
advice, guidance or re-routing to more appropriate services.
social care, the term '
outcome' is often used to refer to the positive results of the social care a person has received. They represent changes or improvements that have taken place during the time someone has been receiving support.
Pension Credit is an income related benefit made up of 2 parts - Guarantee Credit and Savings Credit. Guarantee Credit tops up your weekly income if it's below £142.70 (single people) or £217.90 (couples)(figures correct at Nov 2012). Savings Credit is an extra payment for people who have saved some money towards their retirement, eg a pension. You don't
pay tax on Pension Credit.
Personal Assistant is a person employed to help someone with their daily
social care in a way that is right for them. Using their
Personal Budgets, a person can employ a Personal Assistant to provide support like: cooking, cleaning, help with personal care like washing and using the toilet, driving or help with getting around,
medical tasks, shopping, banking or paying bills.
From 8 April 2013, a new benefit called
Personal Independence Payment will replace
Disability Living Allowance (
DLA) for disabled people aged 16 to 64. Personal Independence Payment is to help towards some of the extra costs caused by ill-health or disability. It's based on how a person's condition affects them, not the condition they have.
Personal Care Services for vulnerable persons,
including those with special needs because of old age or physical
disability or mental disability, and
children in need of care and protection.
Is the all-encompassing term for the Government's agenda to give people more choice about and control in the care they receive. The system places the
service user at the centre of the process and allows them to choose the support they use and the manner in which they receive support.
A process of financial audit of NHS claims. PPV is carried out by the
Shared Services Partnership (SSP) in-line with an agreed protocol. The SSP is entitled to inspect records relating to NHS patients, including mixed NHS and private records relating to a patient.
The part of the NHS where GP's,
community nurses and other clinicians work to provide a first point of contact for patients. Community pharmacists, dentists and
opticians are also part of
Primary Care.
PCTs are a very important part of the NHS, and they get about 80% of the total NHS budget. PCTs decide what health services a local community needs, and they are responsible for providing them. They must ensure that there are enough services for people within their local area, and that the services are accessible. These services include: GPs, Dentists, Pharmacists,
Opticians, NHS Direct, and NHS walk-in centres. PCTs make decisions about the type of services that hospitals provide and are responsible for making sure that the quality of service is high enough. They also control funding for hospitals.
An eye examination for patients with an eye problem requiring urgent attention that was available from the community
optometrist free of
charge to the patient. This service was available from 2003-2012 but has been superseded by the
Medical professionals who provide services from GP surgeries including GP's, practice nurses and community staff.
Pupils with
profound and multiple learning difficulties have complex learning needs. In addition to very severe learning difficulties, pupils have other significant difficulties such as physical
disabilities, sensory impairment or a severe
medical condition. Pupils require a high level of adult support, both for their learning needs and also for their personal care. They are likely to need sensory stimulation and a curriculum broken down into very small steps. Some pupils communicate by gesture, eye pointing or symbols, others by very simple language. Their attainments are likely to remain in the early P-scale range (P1-P4) throughout their school careers (that is below level 1 of the National Curriculum).
Most people would prefer to look after themselves as much as possible and to remain in their own home. Recent guidance has challenged
statutory agencies to promote such independence by ensuring that people have access to the information and services that they need. It also places increased emphasis on
rehabilitation and the associated
therapy services.
An independent or statutory organisation that may provide a whole range of care services for those in need.
Condition affecting the
macular in one or both eyes, causing problems with central vision.
Punctate inner choroidopathy (PIC) is a rare condition caused by inflammation at the back of the eye. It is more common in women, and in short-sighted people.
A specific service designed to respond rapidly to prevent hospital admission or to facilitate early discharge.
Reablement is about helping people learn or relearn the skills they need for
daily living - which they may have lost through the deterioration of their health and/or increased support needs - to help them gain more independence.
A formal request for an
assessment of a person's needs.
May take the form of either a nursing, or a residential care home, that provides 24 hr care to individuals who, on
assessment, have been assessed as no longer being able to be supported at home.
Residential accommodation can be either long or short stay.
A screen is made up of thousands of dots, called
pixels ("picture elements"), arranged on the screen in columns and rows. The characters, pictures and shapes that appear on the screen are created by changing the colors of these dots. The resolution of a monitor is the number of pixels used within it, and is given as two numbers for instance "1280 by 800" (1280 across the screen and 800 down). With a larger number of pixels ("higher resolution"), screen objects can be shown in more detail and mor
A static or mobile place where technological aids and equipment are available variously to view, try out and purchase.
A service giving
carers a break from their caring responsibilities by providing short term care to the cared-for-person in their own home or in a residential setting.
This is the headteacher or appropriate governor that is chair of the governing body unless the governing body has designated another governor for the purpose. In the case of a nursery school, the
responsible person is the headteacher. The responsible person must be informed by the LA when they conclude that a pupil at a school has
SENs. The responsible person must then ensure all those who will teach the
child know about his or her SENs.
Retinal detachment is an eye problem that happens when your retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue in the back of your eye) is pulled away from its normal position at the back of your eye.
Retinitis pigmentosa is the term used for a group of closely related inherited eye conditions that affect the retina, the specialised light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. A person’s sight loss usually happens gradually, over many years – and sometimes eventually leads to registered blindness. Retinitis pigmentosa is the most common inherited eye condition, affecting around one in 4,000 people in the UK.
Retinoblastoma (Rb) is a type of eye cancer that affects young
children, mainly under the age of six. It develops in the cells of the retina, the
light sensitive lining of the eye. Around 40-50 cases are diagnosed in the UK every year – approximately one child a week. Retinoblastoma can either affect one or both eyes.
Retinopathy of prematurity is a condition that can affect babies who are born early, before the blood vessels that supply the light-sensitive layer of the eye (the retina) have finished growing.
This can refer to re-
assessment of
service user's needs and issues, and consideration of the extent to which services are to meet the stated objectives, achieve the desired
outcomes and respond to changes in circumstances or service criteria.
Review may also refer to an organisational review.
assessment of a person's health, their safety, well being and their ability to manage essential daily routines and the impact this has on the individual, their
carers and staff.
The process of responding to concerns that a vulnerable person (or people) are being, or are at risk of being abused, neglected or exploited. This will result in an investigation into the alleged behaviour, and often a protection
plan to prevent it recurring. Although the local authority takes the lead on adult
safeguarding, the responsibility for safeguarding adults lies with every agency.
Sarcoidosis (also known as Besnier–Boeck–Schaumann disease) is a disease involving abnormal collections of inflammatory cells that form lumps known as granulomata. The disease usually begins in the lungs, skin, or lymph nodes. Less commonly affected are the eyes, liver, heart, and brain, though any organ can be affected.
scanner is a device which captures an image of a page and enters it into the computers memory so it can then be manipulated as required. In conjunction with
OCR software the text in the image can be extracted and read back using a
screen reader.
Screen magnification software can magnify the text, menus and icons on a computer or mobile phone screen. Because screen magnification software increases the size of the image displayed on the screen, only a portion of the original screen image can be seen at one time. Normally the magnification will automatically follow the area of attention, for example the cursor.
Screen readers sends screen text displayed on a computer or mobile phone screen to be spoken by a speech synthesiser. Common features include the ability to speak text on the full screen, a user defined area of the screen,
a line, a word, individual letters or the phonetic equivalent of a letter and punctuation. A screen reader allows menus, dialog boxes, tool tips and system messages to be read back. A screen reader is designed to enable a blind person to use a computer fully.
Some people are able to
self-advocate: this means speak up for themselves without assistance to ensure that their needs and wishes are clearly expressed and acted upon. Others need assistance. Advocates and
advocacy services exist to give independent help to enable people to take control of their lives, explore and express their own needs and access the services and support they
need to meet their needs.
When an individual has sufficient funds and is able to make arrangements for and
pay privately for their care services.
Is the term used for when people choose their services, organise their care and arrange for payments to be made. This is because the individual who requires the service is directing
their own care and has choice when it comes to their support.
This is an independent tribunal set up by an Act of Parliament for determining appeals by parents against their LA about
SENs, where parents cannot reach agreement with the LA. SENDIST also considers parents' claims of
disability discrimination in schools.
Organisations of all shapes and sizes which run activities designed to help other people in some way.
These are people who receive health and
social care services. They may be individuals who live in their own homes, are staying in care or are being cared for in hospital. Some groups note an inferred power relationship from this term and prefer to be referred to as People Who Use Services (PWUS).
Term used to describe someone with severe sight loss. Formerly know as 'blind', this category is used by Social Services Departments for registration purposes. (See
Sight impaired (SI)).
Term used to describe someone with sight loss. Formerly know as 'partially sighted', this category is used by Social Services Departments for registration purposes. (See
Severely sight impaired (SSI)).
Sjögren's syndrome is a condition that affects parts of the body that produce fluids, like tears and spit (saliva).
smart phone is an advanced mobile phone, that allows you to do more than just make phone calls and send text messages. A typical smart phone might let you browse the internet and download
apps. The iPhone and the HTC are very well known examples of smart phones.
Any form of support or help given to someone to assist them in taking their place in society.
Social Care Register is a register of people who work in social care, and have been assessed as trained and fit to be in the workforce. The register is maintained and policed by the General Social Care Council (GSCC).
Social workers and social work students are currently the only groups
joining the register. Over time, social care
workers of all levels will be registered -from care workers through to directors of social services. Registration will ensure that those working in social care meet rigorous registration requirements and will hold them to account for their conduct by codes of practice. Qualifications, health and good character are checked as part of the registration process. Registered social workers are also required to complete post-registration
training and learning activities before renewing their registration every three years.
Strategies which seek to ensure participation by targeting communities marginalised by lack of economic opportunity, educational achievement or other barriers.
social model of
disability identifies systemic barriers, negative attitudes and exclusion by society (purposely or inadvertently) that mean society is the main contributory factor in disabling people.
Social networks is a term used for websites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. You use a social networking site to expand your social contacts by making connections with individuals and creating communities. It's also a fun way to keep in touch with friends and maybe to make some new acquaintances!
Social workers help protect
vulnerable adults and
children from
abuse and help people to live more successfully within their local communities by helping them find solutions to their problems. To succeed, social workers must work not only with people who use services, but with their families,
neighbours and friends as well as with other
organisations such as the police, the NHS and schools. The title 'social worker' has been protected by law in England since 1 April 2005 and all social workers are required to maintain registration on the
Social Care Register administered and policed by the General Social Care Council (GSCC).
The 1996 Education Act defines a
child as having
Special Educational Needs "if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them". Children have a learning difficulty if they:
have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age; OR
have a
disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the local authority; OR
are under compulsory school age and fall within the definition at a. or b. above or would do so if special educational provision was not made for them.
(Sec. 312 Education Act 1996) Special Educational Provision means: "...educational provision which is additional to, or otherwise different from, the educational provision made generally for children of their age in schools maintained by the Local Authority..."
People or organisations which have an interest in a proposed development or idea.
Causes some of the cells on the macula to stop working leading to problems with central vision, detailed vision and sometimes with colour perception.
Official organisations set up according to written laws of central government.
Stickler Syndrome is a genetic condition affecting connective tissue (essentially collagen), with variable symptoms. There are now known to be at least 11 distinct sub-groups of Stickler Syndrome, but the effect in each are typically in four main areas, including the eyes.
Strabismus, often referred to as a squint and sometimes as a "turn" in the eye is an eye condition where the eyes do not look in the same direction as each other.
Strokes occur when a part of your brain is starved of oxygen and nutrients. A stroke can result in visual field loss, blurry vision, double vision and moving images.
Formal or informal group aiming to assist each other in overcoming problems and to share experiences.
A Support
Plan says how people will spend their budget to get the life they want. People who use services can get help to make a plan - perhaps from family or friends, or pay someone who specialises in planning. A person's local authority must agree the plan before they get their support money.
Individuals will be able to have as much say in their Support
Plan as they are able. Some may be able to complete this entirely by themselves, or with help from others, and some people may want
social care staff to support them to complete it.
A method of producing material such as pictures, maps and diagrams in a form which can be understood by touch.
There are two
tax credits –
child tax credit and working tax credit. You can get one or both of them, depending on your household circumstances. There are different qualifying conditions for working tax credit and child tax credit but you only make one claim.
Text-to-speech is often used interchangeably with "
screen reader" to refer to the vocalisation of information from a screen, but strictly speaking a TTS system reads nothing but text. While this can be a useful aid to partial sight, a blind user will need extra contextual information conferred through visual means (for instance that something is a button in a ribbon or dialogue) or formatting (such as a heading on a webpage).
Defined by Cabinet Office as 'voluntary and community groups, social enterprises, charities, cooperatives and mutuals' (see also
Voluntary Sector).
Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an eye condition that usually occurs when you have a problem with your thyroid gland. It causes the eye muscles, eyelids, tear glands and soft tissues in and around your eye socket to become inflamed.
touch screen enables you to control the computer by touching an area of the screen. This might be on a PC, tablet device, mobile phone or electronic kiosk.
Toxoplasmosis is a common infection from which most patients make a full recovery. However in more serious cases it can spread to the eyes causing loss of sight.
Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies.
An agency offering conversion of documents into accessible formats such as
Braille, audio, large print and
This is a
plan that should form part of the first
review">annual review after the
child's 14th birthday and any subsequent annual review. The purpose of the plan is to draw together information from a range of individuals within and beyond the school to plan coherently for the
young person's transition to adult life.
These are legal provisions that provide for a smooth changeover from the legal regime established by the Education Act 1981 and the Education (
Special Educational Needs) Regulations 1983, to those established under the Education Act 1993 and the Education (Special Educational Needs) Regulations 1994.
General term to cover forms of
transport such as train, taxi,
bus, coach and plane.
Service provided to
disabled travellers by individual train companies. This can include provision of ramps, help with getting on and off the train etc. 24 hours notice of requirements requested.
If you're registered blind or live with someone who is, you can get a 50% discount. The licence has to be in the blind person's name - if it isn't you can transfer it by calling TV Licensing.
Having sight in only one eye.
An inflamation of the middle layer of the eye (the uvea)
If you have
a long-term illness or you're
disabled, you might not have to
pay VAT on certain goods and services that you buy or bring into the UK. Certain building work that you have done may also be free of VAT.
video magnifier or
CCTV is a simple way of producing large text and images for people with some useful vision. Printed documents, handwritten materials or objects can be placed under a camera. The magnified image is then displayed on a monitor. They are most often used for reading, but some can also be used for writing, checking a price tag, looking at a timetable or to read a whiteboard in a classroom.
Visual impairment, vision impairment, or low vision is a severe reduction in vision that cannot be corrected with standard glasses or contact lenses and reduces a person's ability to function at certain or all tasks.
Rehabilitation Specialists are professionals who are qualified to support
visually impaired adults to enable and empower them to lead independent and fulfilling lives.
Mentioned on CVI, but no reliable definition found.
Voice recognition software enables you to have an alternative to typing text into a computer. This is where the user talks to the computer and should not be confused with a
screen reader where the computer talks to you.
voluntary organisation is one whose main focus is to deliver social benefit in a variety of forms, rather than to generate profit for distribution to its members. It will usually be
governed by volunteers and be independent of government.
This includes various
voluntary agencies ranging from large organisations with paid staff to small groups run by volunteers.
Defined in 'No Secrets' (DH 2000) as: 'a person aged 18 years or over, who is in receipt of, or may be in need of
community care services by reason of mental or other
disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation'.
WOPEC is the first postgraduate education centre for
optometry in the world and is dedicated to excellence in eye care education through quality and independence. WOPEC provides short courses for optometrists and eye care professionals as well as certified postgraduate courses and helps to facilitate
training and accreditation for the WECS. It is located in the School of Optometry in Cardiff University.
Advice on the range of benefits available that the individual may be able to access through agencies such as the Department for Work and Pensions.
Welsh Government is the devolved Government for Wales. It has legislative powers in key areas of public life such as health, education and the environment.
Welsh Optometric Committee (WOC) is the Statutory Advisory Committee to the
Welsh Government (WG), advising on all aspects of
optometry and optometrists issues in Wales. It consists of Members from Regional Optometric Committees, Cardiff University School of Optometry and the Hospital Eye Service in Wales. It has observers from WG,
WOPEC, and a reciprocal observer from the Ophthalmology Specialist Advisory Group (OSAG: part of Welsh
Medical Committee). It occasionally commissions sub-groups for the purposes of developing particular areas of influence.
Wolfram Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder which is also known as DIDMOAD syndrome after its 4 most common features (
Diabetes Insipidus, Diabetes Mellitus, Optic Atrophy and
Deafness). Everyone with Wolfram Syndrome will have optic atrophy at some stage, which means that the optic nerve wastes away and causes
colour blindness and gradual loss of vision. Wolfram Syndrome is very rare and affects around 1 in 770,000 of the total UK population.
A young
carer is anyone under the age of 18 whose life is in some way restricted because of the need to take responsibility for the care of a person who is ill, has a
disability, is experiencing mental distress or is affected by substance
abuse (Carers UK Definition).
The term is used to describe people in the age and groups roughly spanning puberty to young adulthood (aged 10-24).