Wales Council of the Blind

Voice recognition software

Definition: Voice recognition software enables you to have an alternative to typing text into a computer. This is where the user talks to the computer and should not be confused with a screen reader where the computer talks to you.

Category: technology

Credit: RNIB


Services mentioning Voice recognition software

Deafblind UK Technology Support - (Deafblind UK) Access technology

Our technology support service teaches you to make the most of technology to help you be as independent as possible. From magnification to voice recognition, we can show you how to make the most of the gadgets you’ve already got or how to use specialist accessibility software.

Financial aid - (Behcet's UK) Grants

The Society will provide grants to help people who are in hardship because of Behçet's disease. To provide a grant, evidence of the amount needed must be provided. Examples of claims which might be funded include prepayment certificate for drugs, help with travel to hospital, household bills, help towards computer with reading aids/voice recognition if you are visually impaired, or aids/other equipment not available on the NHS to help if you are disabled.