Wales Council of the Blind

Service Users

Definition: These are people who receive health and social care services. They may be individuals who live in their own homes, are staying in care or are being cared for in hospital. Some groups note an inferred power relationship from this term and prefer to be referred to as People Who Use Services (PWUS).

Category: adult social care

Credit: Department of Health

Source: Glossary of Adult Social Care Terms

Services mentioning Service Users

Independent living advice - (Vision Support) Rehabilitation

Vision Support's qualified rehabilitation officers focus on maintaining independence and promoting equality for anyone living with sight loss. They also have a team of Rehabilitation Assistants who demonstrate specialist equipment and support service users in their own homes.

Torfaen Direct Payments User Group - (GAVO (Gwent Assoc. of Voluntary Organisations)) Direct payments / personalised budgets

Torfaen has an active Direct Payments User Group which meet every 8 weeks at Canalside, Five Locks Road, Pontnewydd. If you are receiving Direct Payments, about to receive them or want to know more about them then why not come along to the next meeting. The Group discuss issues about Direct Payments, you get the chance to meet other service users and find out more about Direct Payments.

Library records mentioning Service Users

Telebefriending and telephone support services for people with sight loss Research paper - [Library Type]

This publication summarises the lessons learned from some services that offer telebefriending to people with sight loss; looks at the attitudes of service users, volunteers and staff towards telebefriending; describes the challenges and opportunities facing this kind of service; highlights issues relevant to commissioners and providers of services; suggests future research questions.