If you have
a long-term illness or you're
disabled, you might not have to
pay VAT on certain goods and services that you buy or bring into the UK. Certain building work that you have done may also be free of VAT.
video magnifier or
CCTV is a simple way of producing large text and images for people with some useful vision. Printed documents, handwritten materials or objects can be placed under a camera. The magnified image is then displayed on a monitor. They are most often used for reading, but some can also be used for writing, checking a price tag, looking at a timetable or to read a whiteboard in a classroom.
Visual impairment, vision impairment, or low vision is a severe reduction in vision that cannot be corrected with standard glasses or contact lenses and reduces a person's ability to function at certain or all tasks.
Rehabilitation Specialists are professionals who are qualified to support
visually impaired adults to enable and empower them to lead independent and fulfilling lives.
Mentioned on CVI, but no reliable definition found.
Voice recognition software enables you to have an alternative to typing text into a computer. This is where the user talks to the computer and should not be confused with a
screen reader where the computer talks to you.
voluntary organisation is one whose main focus is to deliver social benefit in a variety of forms, rather than to generate profit for distribution to its members. It will usually be
governed by volunteers and be independent of government.
This includes various
voluntary agencies ranging from large organisations with paid staff to small groups run by volunteers.
Defined in 'No Secrets' (DH 2000) as: 'a person aged 18 years or over, who is in receipt of, or may be in need of
community care services by reason of mental or other
disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation'.