Wales Council of the Blind

Glossary Browser

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Abuse adult social care

Violation of an individual's human or civil rights by any other person or persons. Any or all types of abuse may be perpetrated as the result of deliberate intent, negligence or ignorance. Different types of abuse include: physical; neglect/acts of omission; financial/ material; psychological; sexual; institutional; discriminatory; self harm/abuse; racial; or any combination of these or other factors. Abuse also has a number of specific legal definitions contained in various acts of

Access to transport transport

A service providing concessions such as the Disabled Persons Railcard, or other forms of access improvements.

Access to Work benefits/concessions

An Access to Work grant is money for practical support to help you do your job. It's for people with a disability, health or mental health condition. The money you get can pay for things like specialist equipment; travel when you can't use public transport; a communicator at a job interview. How much you get depends on your circumstances. Any money you get doesn't have to be paid back and won't affect your other benefits.

Accessible literature provider/publisher accessible media

An agency offering books, magazines and other literature in accessible formats.

Activities of daily living adult social care

Tasks that people carry out to look after their home, themselves, and their participation in work, social and leisure activities.

Additional Learning Needs CYP

The additional learning needs (ALN) transformation programme will transform the separate systems for special educational needs (SEN) in schools and learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD) in further education, to create a unified system for supporting learners from 0 to 25 with ALN.

ADSS Cymru adult social care

The Association of Directors of Social Services Cymru is a constituted group of statutory directors and senior social services managers who work in local government in Wales and who have come together to promote the social wellbeing of the vulnerable citizens in Wales irrespective of their circumstances.

Advice uncategorised

An agency (such as an ECLO) providing advice on appropriate and helpful courses of action.

Advocacy adult social care

Some people are able to self-advocate and speak up for themselves without assistance to insure that their needs and wishes are clearly expressed and acted upon. Others need assistance. Advocates and advocacy services exist to give independent help to enable people to take control of their lives, explore and express their own needs and access the services and support they need to meet their needs.

Albinism eye condition

Albinism is a comparatively rare genetically inherited group of conditions which results in a reduction or complete lack of pigment (colour) in the skin, hair and eyes of people with the condition. This can result in pale skin which burns easily in the sun, virtually white hair, very severe short-sight and photophobia (a severe sensitivity to light).

All Wales Child Protection Procedures CYP

These are the child protection procedures that are used in all of the Local Safeguarding Children Boards in Wales

Alstrom syndrome eye condition

Alstrom Syndrome is an ultra rare recessively inherited genetic disorder, which means that both parents will carry the gene although probably be unaffected themselves. ASUK know of around 80 families in the UK who are affected, this figure could be higher due to delayed diagnosis and the rarity of the condition, many may still be undiagnosed. The condition is characterised by retinal degeration, hearing loss, obesity & insulin resistance.

Android technology

Android is an operating system for certain smart phones and tablets (these terms are all explained in the glossary).

Aniridia eye condition

Aniridia is a rare congenital eye condition causing incomplete formation of the iris. This can cause loss of vision, usually affecting both eyes.

Annual Review CYP

A review of a Statement of Special Educational Needs which an education authority must undertake at least every 12 months.

Anophthalmia eye condition

Anophthalmia is a medical term that is used to describe the absence of the globe and ocular (eye) tissue from the orbit.

App technology

App is short for 'application' and is very often used to describe a small program that it installed onto a mobile phone or tablet device. It could be anything from a word processor to a colour detector or train times finder.

Appellant CYP

The person that has made an appeal to the SEN Tribunal.

Articles for the Blind benefits/concessions

The Articles for the Blind scheme is a free, 1st Class or International Standard service designed to support blind and visually impaired people as well as the charities that work hard to improve their lives. It works by waiving postage (first class only) for sending books, printed materials, letters, relief maps; audio and electronic media; equipment such as magnifiers and mobility aids.

Assessed needs adult social care

The needs of an individual that have been identified as a result of an assessment.

Assessment adult social care

In social care teminology, the process whereby the needs of an individual are identified alongside their impact on independence, daily functioning and quality of life so that appropriate care, health or other services can be planned. It aims to identify and explore the many issues connected with a person's needs and should include all relevant viewpoints. It should be self-contained and time-limited, culminating in the clear identification of needs and the objectives for how these needs will be met.

Assistive/access technology technology

Assistive or access technology is any additional software or hardware that is required by someone, because of a disability, to enable them to use a computer. The two most common types of assistive technology for people with sight loss are screen magnification and screen reading software. It is also known as access or adaptive technology.

Attendance Allowance benefits/concessions

Attendance Allowance is a weekly payment to help with personal care because you're physically or mentally disabled and you're aged 65 or over. It's paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability. The other benefits you get can increase if you get Attendance Allowance.