Wales Council of the Blind


Definition: A formal request for an assessment of a person's needs.

Category: adult social care

Credit: Department of Health

Source: Glossary of Adult Social Care Terms

Services mentioning Referral

Deafblind UK Cardiff Social Group - (Deafblind UK) Clubs and social groups

The group provides a friendly, safe space where members can meet for a chat and a cuppa, and share challenges, information and build friendships. It will meet monthly, on the last Thursday, from 12 - 1 pm on the 4th floor of Cardiff Central Library. For referrals to the group, please contact Carys Jones, Sensory Support Officer via email at

Vision Support Counselling Service - (Vision Support) Counselling and emotional support

We understand the significant impact that living with a vision impairment can have upon an individual's wellbeing. The Vision Support counselling Service provides counselling support over the phone to provide emotional support when you need it. Talking therapy can provide a safe non-judgemental space to talk and can incorporate coping strategies to overall improve well-being. Referrals (including self-referrals) can be made by contacting Gemma on the landline below or Mobile 07595 412191. Alternatively email or via the email below.

Library records mentioning Referral

Registering visual impairment as a disability Report - [Library Type]

A group of documents giving guidance on the CVI and Referral letter. Applies to England, although documents state that the Welsh government was consulted in their production.

Sight loss in older people: the essential guide for general practice Guidance - [Library Type]

This guide provides professionals working in general practice with a text to help them recognise sight loss and update their knowledge on the links between sight loss and other common health conditions. It also highlights the need and routes for early detection and appropriate referral, and suggest how services provided by general practices can be made more accessible for older people with sight loss.

The Role of Eye Clinic Liaison Officers Research paper - [Library Type]

The need for information and support at the time of diagnosis has long been recognised and although patchy has been undertaken informally by a range of individuals from ophthalmic nurses, local society's workers and unpaid volunteers. A number of roles have evolved to provide this support and onward referrals to other agencies such as social services including that of the qualified Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO). However, to date there has been no formal evaluation of the impact of this role on patients and eye clinics or of cost effectiveness.