Wales Council of the Blind


Definition: Of or pertaining to the practice of medicine. The medical model of Disability focuses on impairments rather than social and attitudinal barriers cf. Social Model of Disability.

Category: health

Credit: ViW/Wiktionary

Source: ViW/Wiktionary

Services mentioning Medical

Accessible Health - (Centre of Sign Sight Sound) Medical

Supporting people with a hearing loss or who are d/Deaf to make, change, or cancel medical appointments and advising Health Professionals on how to book qualified communication support.

Alstrom syndrome support group - (Alstrom Syndrome UK) Support Group

Provides support for those affected by Alström Syndrome, their carers and professionals working with them. This includes a forum, help with gaining access to medical assessments with doctors who have expertise in Alström Syndrome, quarterly medical screening clinics and a newsletter.

BBS support - (Bardet-Biedl Syndrome UK) Support Group

BBSUK can help by putting you in touch with other families who are facing similar problems, by passing on advice which has helped others in the day to day management of thieir children, and by sending information which will help professionals in medical and educational fields to understand more about our special children.

Contact helpline - (Contact) Helpline

For information or advice on any aspect of caring for a disabled child, ring Contact's national freephone helpline on 0808 808 3555, Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm. Can help with issues such as info on your child's medical condition, sources of grants, benefits and special educational needs.

Information on macular treatments - (Macular Society) Medical

A page at Macular Society's site giving information for the medical support for wet AMD.

UCAN Professional Activities - (UCAN Productions) Sports, arts, leisure and holidays

UCAN has delivered vision awareness training in medical settings, as well as to public and private companies, schools, trade unions and youth organisations in the UK and abroad. This training is delivered by young disabled people and takes a unique approach in challenging public perceptions and attitudes towards sight loss. UCAN Productions also works with Cardiff University School of Optometry, delivering lectures on the lived experience of vision impairment to optometry students.

Library records mentioning Medical

Nystagmus (RNIB Understanding series) Guidance - [Library Type]

Description, effects, medical investigations, and coping strategies for nystagmus.