Wales Council of the Blind

Glossary Browser

Additional Learning Needs ALN

The additional learning needs (ALN) transformation programme will transform the separate systems for special educational needs (SEN) in schools and learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD) in further education, to create a unified system for supporting learners from 0 to 25 with ALN.

Annual Review ALN

A review of a Statement of Special Educational Needs which an education authority must undertake at least every 12 months.

Education support ALN

Services that aid a disabled person in accessing educational facilities, materials and processes.

Funding authority ALN

The Education Act 1993 provides for the establishment of two funding authorities: in England, the Funding Agency for Schools (FAS), which was established on 1 April 1994; and in Wales, the Schools Funding Council for Wales (SFCW), which the Act empowers the Secretary of State for Wales to set up by Order. No Order has yet been made. The FAS is responsible for calculating and paying grants to grant-maintained and grant-maintained special schools and has responsibilities for the provision of school places in areas where there are significant numbers of grant-maintained schools. The SFCW has similar responsibilities.

Habilitation ALN

Habilitation involves one-to-one training for children and young people with a vision impairment. Starting from their existing skills, it aims to develop their personal mobility, navigation and independent living skills. At whatever age the training is started, the overriding goal is to maximise the child or young person’s independence, opening the way in the future, to further study, employment and an independent life.

Local Education Authority ALN

A local education authority (LEA) is a local authority in England and Wales that has responsibility for education within its jurisdiction. Since the Children Act 2004 each local education authority is also a children's services authority and responsibility for both functions is held by the director of children's services.

Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI) ALN

Pupils with MSI have a combination of visual and hearing difficulties. They are sometimes referred to as deafblind but may have some residual sight and/or hearing. Many also have additional disabilities but their complex needs mean it may be difficult to ascertain their intellectual abilities. Pupils with MSI have much greater difficulty accessing the curriculum and the environment than those with a single sensory impairment. They have difficulties in perception, communication and in the acquisition of information. Incidental learning is limited. The combination can result in high anxiety and multi-sensory deprivation. Pupils need teaching approaches that make good use of their residual hearing and vision, together with their other senses. They may need alternative means of communication.

Named LA Officer ALN

This is the person from the Local Authority who liaises with parents over all the arrangements relating to statutory assessment and the making of a statement. LAs will inform parents of the identity of the officer when they issue a notice of a proposal to make a statutory assessment of a child.

Named person ALN

This is the person whom the Local Authority must identify when sending parents a final version of a statement. The named person, who should usually be identified in cooperation with the parents, must be someone who can give parents information and advice about their child's SENs. He or she may be appointed at the start of the assessment process and can then attend meetings with parents and encourage parental participation throughout that process. The named person should normally be independent of the LA and may be someone from a voluntary organisation or parent partnership scheme.

Note in lieu ALN

This is a note issued to the child's parents and school when, following a statutory assessment, the LA decides not to make a statement. The note should describe the child's SENs, explain why the LA will not make a statement and make recommendations about appropriate provision for the child. All the advice received during the assessment should be attached to the note sent to the parents and, with their consent, also be sent to the child's school.

OHMCI - Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector ALN

A non-ministerial government department established under the Education (Schools) Act 1992 to take responsibility for the inspection of all schools in Wales. (The English equivalent is Ofsted). Their professional arm is formed by Her Majesty's Inspectors (HMI).

Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty (PMLD) ALN

Pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties have complex learning needs. In addition to very severe learning difficulties, pupils have other significant difficulties such as physical disabilities, sensory impairment or a severe medical condition. Pupils require a high level of adult support, both for their learning needs and also for their personal care. They are likely to need sensory stimulation and a curriculum broken down into very small steps. Some pupils communicate by gesture, eye pointing or symbols, others by very simple language. Their attainments are likely to remain in the early P-scale range (P1-P4) throughout their school careers (that is below level 1 of the National Curriculum).

Responsible person ALN

This is the headteacher or appropriate governor that is chair of the governing body unless the governing body has designated another governor for the purpose. In the case of a nursery school, the responsible person is the headteacher. The responsible person must be informed by the LA when they conclude that a pupil at a school has SENs. The responsible person must then ensure all those who will teach the child know about his or her SENs.

SEN Code of Practice ALN

a document from the government which provides practical advice to those carrying out their statutory duties to identify, assess and make provision for children's special educational needs.

SEN Disabilty Tribunal (SENDIST) ALN

This is an independent tribunal set up by an Act of Parliament for determining appeals by parents against their LA about children's SENs, where parents cannot reach agreement with the LA. SENDIST also considers parents' claims of disability discrimination in schools.

SEN provision ALN

the additional or different help/support given to children with special educational needs.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) ALN

The 1996 Education Act defines a child as having Special Educational Needs "if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them". Children have a learning difficulty if they: have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age; OR have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the local authority; OR are under compulsory school age and fall within the definition at a. or b. above or would do so if special educational provision was not made for them. (Sec. 312 Education Act 1996) Special Educational Provision means: "...educational provision which is additional to, or otherwise different from, the educational provision made generally for children of their age in schools maintained by the Local Authority..."

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) ALN

the teacher with responsibility for the planning and monitoring of the special educational provision within your child's school.

Statement of Special Educational Needs ALN

A legal document that sets out a child's Special Educational Needs and the specific help he or she must receive.

Transition plan ALN

This is a plan that should form part of the first review">annual review after the child's 14th birthday and any subsequent annual review. The purpose of the plan is to draw together information from a range of individuals within and beyond the school to plan coherently for the young person's transition to adult life.

Transitional arrangements ALN

These are legal provisions that provide for a smooth changeover from the legal regime established by the Education Act 1981 and the Education (Special Educational Needs) Regulations 1983, to those established under the Education Act 1993 and the Education (Special Educational Needs) Regulations 1994.