Wales Council of the Blind

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Get Set Progress - (Thomas Pocklington Trust) Employment Support

Thomas Pocklington Trust's Get Set Progress provides paid internships for blind and partially sighted people to secure that first rung on the career ladder or who are returning to work following a career break.

Glaucoma Support Groups - (Glaucoma UK) Support Group

Glaucoma UK organises patient support groups across the UK. The concept of the groups is to allow patients to meet their health care professionals in a relaxed atmosphere, away from the time restricted atmosphere on outpatients, so the condition and treatment can be discussed in more depth. The weblink below gives details and contact points.

Glaucoma UK Forum - (Glaucoma UK) Support Group

A on-line discussion forum for glaucoma patients and their families. The website also includes information about all aspects of glaucoma.

Glaucoma UK Helpline - (Glaucoma UK) Helpline

Telephone and email helpline for practical help and advice about glaucoma and emotional support. The line is open Mon - Fri: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. After office hours, an answerphone is in operation, where you can leave a message and they will ring you back.

Goalball Clubs - (Goalball UK) Sports, arts, leisure and holidays

Directory of goalball clubs around the UK including North and South Wales.

Gorseinon VIP Group - (Sight Life) Clubs and social groups

Gorseinon Institute, Lime Street, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4EE. 10am – 12pm, 1st Wednesday of the month.

Gowerton drop-in social support group - (Sight Life) Clubs and social groups

Held on the second Tuesday of the month. The group provides an opportunity for people with sight loss in the area to come along and share your VI related hints and tips, find out what is going on locally and make new friends.

Grants from Ceredigion Association - (Ceredigion Association for the Blind) Grants

Ceredigion Association provide some grants to visually impaired people. To be eligible you must have serious and uncorrectable visual impairments, and have been referred to the Association by the Rehabilitation Officer in Ceredigion Social Services.

Grants from Gardner's Trust for the Blind - (Gardner's Trust for the Blind) Grants

Gardner's Trust for the Blind provides financial assistance for the purposes of education, training and social welfare to people who are registered blind or partially sighted in the UK. Pension requests are also considered in exceptional circumstances. The maximum amount of grant that can be awarded is £600. Apply in writing to Miss Angela Stewart at the address given in the Gardner's Trust for the Blind provider record.

Grants from MACS - (MACS (Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia & Coloboma Support)) Grants

MACS gives grants to cover the cost of activities or equipment needed by children born without eyes, or with under-developed eyes. You must have been a member of MACS for at least 6 month to apply.

Grants from VI Breconshire - (Visual Impairment Breconshire) Grants

Grants are offered to anyone with a permanent and uncorrectable eye condition, living in Breconshire to help pay for equipment, services, training, education and experiences (such as holidays). Applications are welcome from the visually impaired, their families and carers.

Grants from VICTA - (VICTA (Visually Impaired Children Taking Action)) Grants

VICTA provide grants for children and young people for visual aid equipment and for vacation schemes.

Guide dog service - (Guide Dogs) --uncategorised--

A guide dog can offer a unique, safe and effective way of getting about independently and confidently.

Gwent Access to Advocacy - (Gwent Access to Advocacy) Advocacy

Advisers on the helpline can provide information and advice on advocacy, can advise on entitlement to advocacy based on care and support needs, and can signpost and refer to relevant advocacy services and other specialist services. The Helpline is open Monday to Friday 10am-3pm. (Newport residents should contact Dewis Centre for Independent Living).

Gwrando - (North Wales Society of the Blind) Accessible media

Welsh language talking book service.

Gwynedd Direct Payments - (Cyngor Gwynedd) Direct payments / personalised budgets

Direct Payments enable people assessed as requiring Social Care services to purchase their own care and support. Gwynedd uses The Rowan Organisation to manage Direct Payments.

Gwynedd Library Services - (Cyngor Gwynedd) Information

Council page about library services in Gwynedd.

Gwynedd VI Education Service - (Isle of Anglesey/Gwynedd Additional Learning Needs Service) Education

Anglesey/Gwynedd local authorities provide Additional Learning Needs support and have teachers who are qualified to teach visually impaired children.

Gwynedd Vision Rehabilitation Specialist (VRS) - (Cyngor Gwynedd) Rehabilitation

A Vision Rehabilitation Specialist (VRS) assists someone regain skills they may have lost through sight problems and helps them re-learn to do things they could previously do for themselves.

Gym Group - (Vision Support) Sports, arts, leisure and holidays

Brio Fitness at Northgate Arena in Chester offer vision impaired sessions after running taster sessions with Vision Support. The vision impaired sessions are sports sessions tailored to those partially sighted or blind. Gym Sessions Tuesdays 12.30pm – 1.30pm.