Older Not Colder is a Wales-wide service that helps
older people to keep their homes warm and reduce their energy bills. Care and Repair can visit and asses your home and give you free expert
advice. They will even try and find funding for you if you need repairs or work to improve the energy efficiency or warmth of your home. The service is for people who: live in Wales; are over the age of 60; own their own home or privately rent. Contact your local Care and Repair at https://careandrepair.org.uk/contact-us/ . Questions about the project can go to the email address below.
An on-line tool available from the UK Government. Get an estimate of what benefits (eg Income Support or Jobseeker's Allowance) and
tax credits you could get, and find out about claiming specific benefits. You can also find out how your benefits would be affected by a change in circumstances (eg if you find work).
Contact Cymru is running a new online drop-in service for families of
children with additional needs. Sessions take place every Thursday morning between 11:00-12:00 during term time. The drop-ins are run by our parent volunteers, who provide a safe space to talk about information and experiences. Each drop-in has a topic theme, but it’s also open to anyone who just wants to chat with other families or find out more about Contact.
Optima supply a large and comprehensive range of optical and electronic magnifiers, as well as a range of Anti-Glare Filters and LED task lamps.
Optelec products are designed to help with making the most of life: to allow staying in touch with friends and relatives, to participate and succeed in education and the workplace as well continuing to enjoy hobbies. They manufacture a range of Electronic Magnifiers and
Text-to-Speech readers.
Oswestry TN records items from the local weekly newspaper "The Oswestry and Border Counties Advertiser" following the day of publication and post the USB memory sticks to our listeners on the same day. We supply the USB audio players. Each issue also contains short pieces from the "Shropshire" magazine, a list of the local deaths and information on road-works and street hazards. Items are sometimes included from The Chronicle (Tanat, Cain and Vyrnwy Valleys) and the Oswestry and Borders Chronicle. We are currently including information supplied by Infosound which is relevant to blind and partially sighted people . We also include a TED talk and the latest version of the BBC 'In Touch' program. Generally we try to keep our listeners informed about changes that will affect them.