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Presentation given to Annual Wales Eyecare Conference 2023
If you have sight loss, and little or no experience with
technology, this guide can help you. You will discover the basics about computers, tablets and
smartphones and how to get online. You’ll also be able to learn about magnifiers and the accessibility features of TVs and radios.
This publication summarises the lessons learned from some services that offer telebefriending to people with sight loss; looks at the attitudes of
service users, volunteers and staff towards telebefriending; describes the challenges and opportunities facing this kind of service; highlights issues relevant to commissioners and providers of services; suggests future research questions.
A template letter to request audio for voting. More information is given in https://wcb-ccd.org.uk/perspectif/library/176/uk-parliament-general-election-information-for-blind-and-partially-sighted-voters-in-wales
Template letter to request a feasible voting. More information at https://wcb-ccd.org.uk/perspectif/library/176/uk-parliament-general-election-information-for-blind-and-partially-sighted-voters-in-wales
This tennis resource, developed by the Tennis Federation now know under the LTA, helps players, coaches and tournament organisers support people with a
visual impairment within tennis sessions and activities. The extensive resource provides recommendations from making tennis sessions accessible to the rules of VI tennis and understanding sight classifications. The resource also provides information on organisations who support the sport further.
The purpose of these standards is to ensure that the communication and information needs of people with a sensory loss are met when accessing healthcare services in Wales. They set out the standards of service delivery that people with sensory loss should expect to be met when they access healthcare. These standards apply to adults,
young people and
Describes the process of getting a Certificate of
Visual Impairment (VI), and related issues. Based on research in England, but findings are applicable tot he rest of the UK.
Many factors have been linked to falls risk. Of these factors, problems with vision are one of the most important and some of these vision problems can be avoided or are reversible. This publication provides
optometrists and other health care professionals with a current overview of the importance of vision in preventing falls, along with recommendations for optometrists regarding how to best manage their older patients to minimise the risk of falls.
The need for information and support at the time of diagnosis has long been recognised and although patchy has been undertaken informally by a range of individuals from
ophthalmic nurses, local society's workers and unpaid volunteers. A number of roles have evolved to provide this support and onward
referrals to other agencies such as social services including that of the qualified
Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO). However, to date there has been no formal evaluation of the impact of this role on patients and eye clinics or of cost effectiveness.
This report contains facts and figures on the UK's health, and gives the data and insight that commissioners, policy makers,
service providers and professionals working in the health, care and
voluntary sectors need in order to make a difference.
This guide is full of information about starting
your career if you have a
disability. It covers
looking for work, the recruitment process, being in a job and can tell you about the different types of support available to you at each of these stages. Learning about your rights and the support you are entitled to will help you make the most of
every opportunity at the beginning of your career.
This report finds that, although the UK's ageing population means that the most prevalent eye conditions are becoming more common, research for new treatments and cures is desperately under-funded. The detailed, 124-page report includes a wide range of statistics including figures for Wales.
The Eye Health Care Delivery
Plan sets out a range of key actions to improve the eye health of all
children and adults in Wales, with specific, targeted support for those most vulnerable to eye health issues and sight loss. The Plan focuses on opportunities for
Health Boards and Local Government to work with the
Third Sector and
other partners to plan, co-ordinate and deliver services for people living within their local communities.
A series of tips based on the experiences of RNIB supporters and RNIB guidance.
Simple steps which health providers can take to enable
visually impaired people to get around as independently as possible.
Brief list which tells taxi drivers how to assist their
vision impaired passengers (whether or not they are
guide dog users).
The creation of a satellite
Rehabilitation course can help to address the shortage of trained Vision Rehabilitation Specialists in Wales. The apprenticeship model, as used in England, would offer a cost-effective way of getting people trained up when demand for new officers is anticipated. This paper was submitted as a case for inclusion of the role of the VRS within the apprenticeship scheme in Wales.
The introduction of the National Occupational Standards for Sensory Impairment Workers and the resulting Qualification Credit Framework will make it possible to measure the services provided by ROVIs and so establish a continuous professional development programme aimed at raising the standard of
rehabilitation services available to
visually impaired people in Wales.
Describes the support offered by RNIB Cymru to
young people who are moving through school to education and work.
Walking to shops, catching a
bus, train, taxi or going on
holiday can be challenging when you have sight loss. In this leaflet, you'll find information about
travel services and the assistance that’s available, along with useful tips to help you get out and about confidently.
'Turned Out 2022' reports that only one in five of the blind and partially sighted people who responded were able to vote independently and in secret. There seems to have been little progress in tackling issues familiar from previous elections, such as inadequate staff
training, provision of information in inaccessible formats, and lack of accessible voting aids.