Wales Council of the Blind

Services with the keyword: education

Audiobook lending service - (Listening Books)

Listening Books has over 10,000 wonderful fiction and non-fiction titles in our collection for children and adults, including many popular authors. We also have set texts and study guides and many of our educational titles are recorded in our professional digital studios and aren't available anywhere else! Titles can be streamed over WiFi on computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones, downloaded to portable devices to listen to offline or on the go, or on MP3 CDs sent through the post.

CustomEyes Books - (Guide Dogs)

Guide Dogs CustomEyes service produces large print books for children with vision impairment. These are tailor-made for each child or young person, but they are only charged the recommended retail price. The customised large print books open up a whole world of imagination and learning, by enabling visually impaired children and young people to read the same books as their sighted friends and classmates.

RNIB Bookshare - (RNIB)

RNIB Bookshare supports those who are unable to access print with a vast collection of accessible textbooks and materials to support the UK curriculum from early years to adult education. This free service, which can be accessed by teachers, students, and parents, has a range of accessible formats so books can be read electronically or adapted to suit personal reading needs, giving students the same educational opportunities as their peers.

Student Support Service - (Thomas Pocklington Trust)

Thomas Pocklington Trust's Student Support Service is here to support blind and partially sighted students aged 11+ to get the most out of their secondary, college and university education.

Texthelp access software - (Text Help)

Our products support literacy, numeracy and accessibility in the classroom and the workplace. Get access on any device or platform, wherever you're working.

UCAN Arts Awards - (UCAN Productions)

Arts Award is a range of unique qualifications supporting anyone aged up to 25 to grow as artists and arts leaders, inspiring them to connect with and take part in the wider arts world through taking challenges in an art form - from drama to digital art, pottery to poetry. Through progressing through the five levels, children and young people get to: discover the enjoyment of creating and participating in arts activities; experience arts events; develop creative and communication skills that are essential for success in 21st century life; explore the work of artists and craftspeople and gain insights into the professional arts world; gain experience and knowledge to help progress into further education and employment.