RNIB Bookshare
Description: RNIB Bookshare supports those who are unable to access print with a vast collection of accessible textbooks and materials to support the UK curriculum from early years to adult education. This free service, which can be accessed by teachers, students, and parents, has a range of accessible formats so books can be read electronically or adapted to suit personal reading needs, giving students the same educational opportunities as their peers.
Cost: Free via, schools, colleges, universities, a sensory support team, an early years centre, or an adult learning centre.
Email: bookshare@rnib.org.uk
Weblink: https://www.rnib.org.uk/living-with-sight-loss/independent-living/reading-and-books/rnib-bookshare/
Type: Accessible media
Coverage: UK-wide
Provider: RNIB
Keywords: education