Wales Council of the Blind

Services with the keyword: children

Access Unlimited - (Royal Society for Blind Children)

A gateway to RSBC services in Wales: Employment; Assistive Technology; Family Support; Information and Advice; Activities. In partnership with North Wales Society for the Blind, Vision Support, Wales Council of the Blind, Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services Council, Boys and Girls Clubs of Wales.

AmberPlus - (The Amber Trust)

AmberPlus aims to enable blind or partially sighted children to engage with music by providing families and professionals with resources and ideas for music-making.

Audio Book Club - (Royal Society for Blind Children)

Join us on Zoom as we listen to different audio books with other Visually Impaired (VI) young people from all over the UK! You can listen to books of your choice in the comfort of your space, have a chance to meet new people & make new friends as we have discussions, quizzes, and create your own audiobook sessions around the chosen book. Once we finish a book, we also hold exciting nominations and vote in time for the book reveal session. Audio book club is at a regular time of 5pm-6pm every Monday and Thursday for children and young people between the ages of 8-25.

Bright Beginnings - (Royal Society for Blind Children)

Our exciting weekly online early years group for parents who have a blind or partially sighted baby or child between 0-4 years old. These drop ins run every Monday from 1pm till 2pm virtually on zoom. In these sessions you can expect to see: a range of different activities each week from sensory stories to messy play and music sessions for you and your little ones to participate in; an opportunity to chat with/meet other parents and families; the chance to participate in useful discussions about practical concerns with some guest hosts.

Cerebral Visual Impairment meetings - (Cerebral Visual Impairment Society)

The Cerebral Visual Impairment Society hold an annual meeting which provides opportunities for parents, people with CVI and professionals to meet up and learn from each other in a mutually supportive environment.

Little Amber - (The Amber Trust)

Little Amber is Amber’s innovative music service that aims to enable blind or partially sighted babies and young children to engage with music by providing families and professionals with resources and ideas for music-making.

LOOK Parent Support Group - (LOOK - National Federation of Families with Visually Impaired Children)

Come and meet other parents of Visually Impaired children every other Tuesday at 19:30GMT in our free online meet up sessions. (On Mondays from August 2023)

Moving On Up - (Royal Society for Blind Children)

If you’re in Year 6 and you want to share your thoughts and chat to others who, like you, will be moving to Year 7 in September, then why not join our Moving on Up Group! As well as the other young people, our Family Practitioners will be on hand to answer your questions and help you work through the move. This Group will give you the chance to talk about your thoughts and feelings, help you work through them and help boost your confidence before September! The sessions are fun, and enjoyable but they will also offer you a safe space to talk to others and to the RSBC’s Family Practitioner.

Music in Mind - (The Amber Trust)

Music in Mind aims to enable blind or partially sighted children with neurodegenerative disease to engage with music by providing families and professionals with resources and ideas for music-making.

NWSB Children's Fund - (North Wales Society of the Blind)

The children's fund was established to help meet the needs of children who have impaired vision, by providing special needs grants and specialist equipment. Many families with young children who have vision impairments will have experienced lengthy delays and numerous application forms when applying for essential equipment like a CCTV</a> system or specialist computer software. We hope to be able to attract enough support to be able to help meet some of these needs.

NWSB Children's Mentor System - (North Wales Society of the Blind)

We have several volunteer mentors who provide guidance and reassurance to their younger peers, their help and guidance is invaluable, they are positive role models who are themselves registered blind or partially sighted. The Mentors give children and young people the opportunity to ask awkward questions and are able to work with their younger peers to develop confidence and new skills.

RNIB Shape and Share - (RNIB)

RNIB Shape and Share events bring children and young people with a vision impairment and their families together for peer support, to share experiences and take part in fun activities virtually via Microsoft Teams.

RSBC Welsh Social Group - (Royal Society for Blind Children)

Held on the last Wednesday of the month. The group is a monthly virtual session targeted specifically for vision impaired children and young people across Wales. This virtual group is a place for any young people from the ages 10 to 16 who are partially sighted, blind or sight impaired who live in Wales. These sessions are held virtually on Zoom and are for any who would like to meet other like-minded people, build new relationships and form new bonds.

Usher Kids Support - (Usher Kids)

It may be helpful to find some professional support to help you talk through the impacts of Usher syndrome on you emotionally and physically, but if you need just to chat with another parent who has been there before and can share their experiences with you, you can contact us.

Vika's FUN-tastic Friday - (Aberystwyth and District VI Club)

An online youth club designed specifically for young people aged 9-15 years old with a vision impairment.