Wales Council of the Blind

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Benchmarking Report.

Visual Impairment Benchmarking Study Summary Report.

Appendix 2: Glossary.

BD8. The BD8 has been used since 1948 when the National Assistance Act stated that statutory bodies were to maintain records of those who were certified blind.
It is completed by the Consultant Ophthalmologist in the hospital, recording the
diagnosis level of vision present and certifying the individual as eligible for registration with the local authority Social Services as blind or partially sighted. The system in England has been revised where the BD8 is no longer used in its present form. The Welsh Assembly Government are currently reviewing the situation Wales with a view to altering the procedure similarly to England.

Benchmarking. A systematic approach to a business improvement where best practice is sought and implemented to improve the process beyond the benchmark performance.

Community Strategy. A strategic plan prepared by local authorities and their partners setting out how they will work together to promote the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the local authority area.

Good Practice Guide. Written guides that enable services to assess current performance against minimum, good and better service standards as identified by the benchmarking
study. They can then use these standards to set goals for future improvement.

Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Strategy. Statutory plans produced by local authorities and partners setting out how they will develop and improve services to meet the overall health, social care and well being needs of the local population.

Local authority. A principal council, elected democratically and covering a defined geographical area responsible for a range of local services including education, social care, transportation and housing.

Performance Indicator (PI). A measure of performance against objectives.

Performance management. The process by which an organisation achieves the aims and aspirations that define its purpose by setting direction and monitoring impact.

Process mapping. A logical step by step representation of business activities showing key inputs/outputs.

Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is the process of maximising the independence and confidence of an individual by providing for example training in low vision, mobility, activities of daily living, sign-posting to others services and raising awareness.

Visual impairment. Visual impairment is one of the terms used to describe severe sight loss where medical solutions are no longer useful, resulting in functional difficulties.

[Next: Benchmarking Group Members]
