Wales Council of the Blind

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Sighted Guide Training from Guide Dogs

Guide Dogs runs free, online courses that will teach you how to guide an adult with sight loss with confidence, skill and empathy. This year, the charity putting more resources into these sessions, with the aim of making sighted guiding skills as widespread and well-known as first aid.

Three different training sessions are available:

  • 'Friends and Family Sighted Guide Training' is specifically tailored to the support networks of an adult with a vision impairment, including friends, family members and colleagues.
  • 'Introduction to Sighted Guiding Training' is for anyone who is keen to learn the basics of how to guide someone who is blind or partially sighted.
  • 'Community and Corporate Sighted Guide Training' is for businesses, community groups, universities and charities that provide services to the public.
For full details of the topics covered, and to book a place, click here.