Wales Council of the Blind

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'You've Got Dragons/Mae Gen Ti Ddreigiau' - audio described family show on tour across Wales

Taking Flight, the accessible theatre company, will be on tour with its family show, 'You've Got Dragons' at theatres in many parts of Wales during the summer.

Dates and venues are:

  • 22nd & 25th - 27th June Pontio, Bangor
  • 2nd - 5th July Blaengarw Workmen’s Hall
  • 9th - 13th July Ffwrnes, Llanelli
  • 16th - 20th July Chapter, Cardiff
  • 24th -27th July Riverfront, Newport
  • 7th August Eisteddfod Genedlaethol
The show features creative captioning, interwoven BSL and audio description. For more information, including audio fliers in English and Welsh, visit the Taking Flight website.