Wales Council of the Blind

Service type: Welfare benefits advice

Benefits & tax credits service - (Contact)

Provide information and advice on benefits to the families of disabled children.

Benefits advice - (Alstrom Syndrome UK)

The organisation offers help and advice with educational, social and benefit problems to people affected by Alstrom syndrome.

On-line Benefits adviser - (UK Government)

An on-line tool available from the UK Government. Get an estimate of what benefits (eg Income Support or Jobseeker's Allowance) and tax credits you could get, and find out about claiming specific benefits. You can also find out how your benefits would be affected by a change in circumstances (eg if you find work).

Sight Cymru - Supporting People - (Sight Cymru)

We can provide help and support for independent living as well as benefits advice and advocacy and help accessing their services. Assessments are carried out at the individual’s home.

Turn2us Benefits Calculator - (Turn2us)

A simple on-line calculator to help you find out whether you might be entitled to any state benefits, and find out where to go for further support.

Welfare rights advice - (Citizens Advice)

The Citizens Advice service helps people ensure they receive appropriate benefits by providing free, independent & confidential advice. Advice can be given at local offices, outreach sites & over the phone. Home visits are available in some areas.