Wales Council of the Blind

Services with the keyword: large print

Access2books - (Access2books)

This charity produces and publishes high quality early years books in dual format - giant print (75pt) & braille - with illustrations. The design enables braille or large print readers to read without obscuring the text or illustrations; and therefore gives children and adults the opportunity to read together, forming both educational and social relationships. Books can be purchased, and are also available for loan from some Welsh libraries.

All Formats Transcription Services - (Queen Alexandra College)

All Formats, based at Queen Alexandra College, provides a range of braille, large print and audio services. All Formats professional transcription services meets the needs of large and small organisations throughout the UK. Our expert staff include braille users who will ensure that information is produced accurately, efficiently and cost effectively.

CustomEyes Books - (Guide Dogs)

Guide Dogs CustomEyes service produces large print books for children with vision impairment. These are tailor-made for each child or young person, but they are only charged the recommended retail price. The customised large print books open up a whole world of imagination and learning, by enabling visually impaired children and young people to read the same books as their sighted friends and classmates.

VST Transcription Services - (Vision Support Trading Ltd.)

We combine the skills of our extensively trained transcribers with the latest advancements in technology, data security and print production to deliver a highly responsive, reliable and secure transcription service for blue-chip companies operating in the utility, financial, telecoms and public sectors.