Wales Council of the Blind

Services with the keyword: awareness

Sight Cymru Prevention Work - (Sight Cymru)

Through our Lottery project, we deliver prevention work amongst children and communities at high risk of sight loss (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities have a higher prevalence of sight loss and often experience barriers in accessing eye care). We deliver talks at schools and community groups to raise awareness on people can maintain good eye sight and encourage them to engage with eye care.

UCAN Professional Activities - (UCAN Productions)

UCAN has delivered vision awareness training in medical settings, as well as to public and private companies, schools, trade unions and youth organisations in the UK and abroad. This training is delivered by young disabled people and takes a unique approach in challenging public perceptions and attitudes towards sight loss. UCAN Productions also works with Cardiff University School of Optometry, delivering lectures on the lived experience of vision impairment to optometry students.