Focal Point UK is a leading private sector provider of vision
rehabilitation (rehab) services to all sector organisations - statutory
service providers such as social services departments, education departments and Employment Services, or their agents acting on their behalf. We also work with
voluntary sector organisations who provide or require vision rehab services and support.
Direct Payments enable people assessed as requiring
Social Care services to purchase their own care and support. Gwynedd uses The Rowan Organisation to manage Direct Payments.
Henshaw's Hints and Tips library is our home for articles, videos, tips, tricks and useful information. Whether you are living with sight loss, supporting someone who is or simply want to educate yourself, explore our helpful resources, inspiring stories and how-to guides to learn more.
Provides support to encourage independent living for
disabled people. Independent Support Officers provide support throughout the process, including recruitment, management,
training and payroll setup. The Support Officers at CIL provide an ongoing support service once everything is set up.
These are half-day workshops to help people with sight loss rebuild their confidence and live as independently as possible. They include 'Finding Your Feet', 'Falls Prevention' and 'Low Vision'. They take place at different venues, so please contact RNIB Cymru on the telephone number given.
Befriending and At Home support for people with a hearing loss or who are
Deaf, enabling them to access aids and adaptations to support them to remain independent and safe.
We can provide help and support for independent living as well as benefits
advice and
advocacy and help accessing their services.
Assessments are carried out at the individual’s home.