Wales Council of the Blind

LOOK Parent Support Group (online)

LOOK's Parent Support Group is for all parent carers of visually impaired children and young people. It is made of a core community of regulars and new parents are always welcome. It is a supportive and safe space for parent carers to share with each other and learn from their peers. There are regular panel events, online chat sessions, and opportunities to meet in person. The panel events bring together Professionals (experts in the field) and LOOK Mentors who bring their lived experience and life hacks on the subject. The LOOK Parent Support Group meets fortnightly (online) on Mondays at 7.30pm and is hosted by PSG Lead, Jane Ring, and Jo Lomas. Both Jane and Jo are parents to visually impaired teenagers, and Jo is also visually impaired. The themes of the PSG are chosen by a Steering Group of parent carers of children living with VI. Everyone is welcome to join our PSG sessions. Further information is available in the link provided.

Location: Online - Zoom


Associated Service: LOOK Parent Support Group

Hosted on: 22nd of April 2024 by LOOK - National Federation of Families with Visually Impaired Children