Wales Council of the Blind

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Children with disabilities in Wales being denied their right to an education

A new report from the Welsh Parliament's Children, Young People and Education Committee considers whether disabled children and young people have equal access to education and childcare. It concludes that although 'there is some inclusive provision which meets the needs of children, young people and their families, this provision is patchy and inconsistent across Wales'.

The report considers the issues facing families with blind and partially sighted children, and finds a postcode lottery, where some children are able to access the 'gold standard Sensory & Communication Support Service (SenCom)', and others are unable to get this level of specialist support and fall behind with their schoolwork. The report includes 32 recommendations for Welsh Government to consider, including a call for 'a clear delivery plan for addressing gaps in specialist teaching posts, for Teachers of the Deaf, and Teachers of the Visually Impaired'.

Welsh Government has been asked to respond, there will then be a debate in the Senedd. You can find out more, read the full report and a summary report here.