Guide Dogs Cymru 'Time to Play' events for young children at Cardiff City Stadium (Cardiff)
Guide Dogs Cymru are running a series of free 'Time to Play' events for young children with sight loss at Cardiff City Stadium. Initially, there will be seven sessions running on a Friday at Cardiff football stadium from 1 pm-3 pm, starting on 19th January. The sessions are being held fortnightly and refreshments are provided. There will be a sensory story, music and singing to aid movement and body/spatial awareness and free play with use of a sensory room. They are for blind and visually impaired children from 0-4 years or up to 5 years if they have any additional needs. For more information, please contact Samantha Paoloni on 07468 711 901 or email You can also find out more about 'Time to Play' on the Guide Dogs' website.
Location: Cardiff City Stadium, Leckwith Rd, Cardiff CF11 8AZ
Hosted on: 12th of April 2024 at: 1pm - 3pm by Guide Dogs