Wales Council of the Blind


Description: Organisation which supports the families of disabled children across the UK.


Tel: 0808 808 3555


Category: Third/voluntary Sector

Services Provided

Benefits & tax credits service

Provide information and advice on benefits to the families of disabled children.

Contact helpline

For information or advice on any aspect of caring for a disabled child, ring Contact's national freephone helpline on 0808 808 3555, Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm. Can help with issues such as info on your child's medical condition, sources of grants, benefits and special educational needs.

Contact support groups in Wales

Groups provide parents of disabled children with essential practical and emotional support. Workshops and other events are organised.

Online Drop-In service

Contact Cymru is running a new online drop-in service for families of children with additional needs. Sessions take place every Thursday morning between 11:00-12:00 during term time. The drop-ins are run by our parent volunteers, who provide a safe space to talk about information and experiences. Each drop-in has a topic theme, but it’s also open to anyone who just wants to chat with other families or find out more about Contact.

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